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REST API's in Go

Creating simple REST end points in Go

REST API's in Go

Simple reliable REST end point in open source programming language Go.

Install Go from https://golang.org/doc/install

URL to the working Go REST API Project : https://github.com/velusgautam/go-backend

First create the folder in for the project eg: go-backend

The main.go is the file master file. So we need Go to listen to a port (eg: 2001) for the requests and call respective functions based on the route path.

So to achieve that I created below folder structure. routes folder for routing, models for all the interfaces, handlers for action handling

 The folder names are important in Go. 

Functions with capital names become Public. Also properties in struct should be Capital, keep a note on those


package main

import (

// handleRequest will call respective routes in HandleFunc
func handleRequest() {
	for _, v := range routes.GetRoutes() {
		http.HandleFunc(v.Route, v.Handler)
	fmt.Println("Serving from : http://localhost:2001")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":2001", nil))

func main() {

Here we are looping through the routes and attaching respective handlers for the routes slice. 

Listening to PORT:2001 in http.ListenAndServe


package routes

import (

type Route = models.Route

func GetRoutes() []Route {
	var routes []Route
	routes = append(routes, Route{Route: "/", Handler: handlers.Home})
	routes = append(routes, Route{Route: "/count", Handler: handlers.GetUserCount})
	routes = append(routes, Route{Route: "/users", Handler: handlers.GetUsers})
	return routes


package models

import "net/http"

type User struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Email string `json:"email"`

type UserCount struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`

type Route struct {
	Route   string
	Handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)


package handlers

import (

// Home handler give the default page
func Home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to Go REST SERVICE")

A home handler to show welcome page.


package handlers

import (

// User model from models
type User = models.User

// UserCount model from models
type UserCount = models.UserCount

var users []User

// GetUsers handler to fetch all users
func GetUsers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	users = append(users, User{Name: "John Doe", Email: "johndoe@gmail.com"})
	users = append(users, User{Name: "Kim Jane", Email: "kimjane@gmail.com"})
	users = append(users, User{Name: "Philip Mathew", Email: "pmathew@gmail.com"})
	// setting content-type
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

// GetUserCount handler to fetch the users count
func GetUserCount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	count := UserCount{Count: len(users)}

Public function to handle a list of users. path: /users

Public function to handle count of users. path: /count 

Run the Service 🏃🏽‍♂️

go run main.go

The service will be listening to http://localhost:2001